We are Off Market Property Co.

We specialise in unlisted real estate.

We are a network of property specialists that should have what it takes to source, list and assist you with the selling or buying process without a need for you to spend a cent on advertising or marketing, anywhere, ever. No internet.

We have a priceless database of established underground network of land bankers, developers and sophisticated investors that only deal with Off Market buyers and sellers.

We are a fully licensed Real Estate Agency .

Licence No. 087284L

“Creating value for accessing the unaccessible without spending a cent”

- OMP Co

Who we are.

We are property experts that research and model real estate opportunities for investors. We work with property developers and finance professionals to filter and present a sophisticated portfolio of attractive investment opportunities.


OMP specialise in unlisted and off-market real estate transactions for smart businesses that want privacy and results.



An established team of property specialities, off-market investors, affiliates, channel and sales partners ready to de-risk your business now.


Sell off market with no advertising with guaranteed sales and settlements from ideal pre-approved local & handpicked foreign clientele.

Property Sourcing

An army of professional that only deal with off market as a sales and sourcing strategy that is not available to the retail market.

How we work.

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2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium, nisi ut volutpat mollis, leo risus interdum arcu, eget facilisis quam felis id mauris. Ut convallis, lacus nec ornare volutpat, velit turpis scelerisque purus, quis mollis velit purus ac massa. Fusce quis urna metus. Donec et lacus et sem lacinia cursus.

3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium, nisi ut volutpat mollis, leo risus interdum arcu, eget facilisis quam felis id mauris. Ut convallis, lacus nec ornare volutpat, velit turpis scelerisque purus, quis mollis velit purus ac massa. Fusce quis urna metus. Donec et lacus et sem lacinia cursus.